Settings Computer

Use that form to change settings, depending on the computer like:

-Address of the parallel port.
- Device type - Ethernet address - Operation System
- IRQL priority
-view a control image or not
-Zoom the control image
-Create new directory's by date:
-File format:
-Use common settings:
-Initial dir to save the images
-Copy image to a second computer
-Directory on the second computer
-Chose the default file format
-Set the maximal size for the time stamp file
-Save always timestamp data
-Save ini file

-Address of the parallel port:
Should be 0x378 (LPT1)
If the camera is not found, check the bios or try different settings, If you are using Windows NT,2000 or XP, set it to 0x0
- Device type: new: parallel ports: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, USB or Ethernet
- Ethernet address, only if the device type is Ethernet, four numbers (max 255)
press the "use this address" button, after the address is complete.
I would not recommend to use the Ethernet interface for drift scan images, except using a focal length < 1000 mm. The "Ethern, read extra" button can be used to read extra pixels, when reading out the first line. Should be set to about 2500.

Using the Ethernet interface you may take: Standard, sub array or sub frame images.
On fast scan or speckle images will get very odd results when using the Ethern. interface.

- Operation System
should be set by the program, when the program was started the first time

- IRQL priority
only for NT,2000 or XP, if you use XP set it to 30 , NT or 2000 you may try values form 2 - 31, you may make some tests: standard image, telescope drive off , you will see some trails of the stars in the image, if some of the pixels in the trails are shifted left (imaging CCD) or right (tracking CCD), set the IRQL priority to a higher value, (or take a drift scan image, dark frame, uncooled CCD, then the hot pixels will cause trails) (An other reason for that may be additional USB devices like printers or hubs or so, try to disconnect them)

- Priority of WinScan
for NT, 2000 or XP, change the priority of WinScan, may be necessary for fast scan images. see: Change Priority
- Shortcut: Create a shortcut on the Desktop.

-View control image:
Positive: white stars on a black background
Negative: black stars on a white background
View no control image: No control image is shown, may increase the readout speed a little.
-Zoom: Zoom in or out, only the control image. Zoom in for small images, and out for large images, which would not fit on the screen. Zooming in may increase the readouttime a little. ( "in 2:1" about 40 us)
- Zoom horizontal only: This may be used for fast scan images, the width of a line is increased, not the hight.
-Range control image:
Default should be 250.
If the image is to bright to identify stars (when using 2 x 2 binning), you may tray a range of about 1000 or more.
The background will be set by an autocontrast function.
There are used different functions to view the control image for standard, drift scan, sub array, speckle and fast scan images, some of this functions will also affect the range.

- manually BackGround ( CheckBox ) :
Checked: Autofocus feature is disabled, fill in:
- back (background)
- range
take some test images before and check the image to estimate optimal values for background and range.
-Kind of Control Image (ComboBox): select an auto contrast algorithm:
- default: the kind of the Control image depends on the kind of the image.
- Manually : Same as manually BackGround
- Fast Scan
- Speckle
-Drift Scan:
-No Auto: only for tests, no Zoom
-auto_contrast : new auto_contrast feature, push "set auto_contrast" button after choosing this item chose: 0 (fast) or 1 (slow, 3 ms per line) for 0 (fast) chose per cent dark pixels (try 7 ) and per cent light pixels (try 1)

use default, other values only, if you are not pleased with your control image.
better try to change Range control image or use manually BackGround.

-Create new directory's by date:
When a image is started, the save dialog is shown.
If the date changes, a new initial dir is created and shown
The name of that dir is chosen by YYMMDDa
YY = year
a is a if it is am, p if it is pm
28 Mai 2001 am = 010528a
It will be used the date from the intern timer
See: Change Time and Date
If the intern timer is at UT, it will be used UT
The directory's will be created in the initial dir.

-File format:
The file format is chosen by the extension of the filename
fit, FIT, fts , FTS ... = fits file format
all other extensions = SBIG file format
If this item is set to Fits, the default file format in the save dialog will be fit
If you store one image in Fits file format and the next in SBIG file format, (or first SBIG next Fits) you should use an other filename, as the .ini and timestamp files are stored with the same filename and extension .ini and .tsf .

-Use common settings:
In the Settings Form you can load and save settings for all kinds of images (like drift scan, standard, speckle, fast scan, sub array ).
It this CheckBox is checked, the Settings Computer, Settings Information's and Settings Temperature will not change.(But nevertheless you should control that Settings )

-Initial dir:
The directory to save the images, or the directory to create sub directory's to save the images

-Copy image to a second computer
After the image is complete, it will be copied to a second computer
-Directory on the second computer
In this directory the copy of the image will be stored. If the "directorys by date" option is checked, sub directorys will be created. If a file exists on the second computer, it will be renamed before the file is copied . (example: "" is renamed to "") .ini and timestamp files are not copied.

-max. timestamp data:
Fill in the maximal number of lines to be saved in the timestamp data
The timestamp data is saved in a file if "Save always timestamp data" is checked or it can be saved form the timestamp form
It can be used to check the accuracy of the timing
If you take fast scan images with very much lines on a computer with only 64 MB or less, set this value not much higher then 100000

-Save always timestamp data:
The timestamp data is always saved in a file, same name, extension "tsf", if this item is checked.
If you take drift scan images, at a moderate focal length(ST-7 less 3000mm) , where you can expect an exact timing, or if you checked the timestamp file form some sample images, and everything was O.K. you can uncheck this option.
The format of the timestamp file will be a text file, so you can read it from other programs.
You can also examine the timestamp data form the timestamp form.

-Save ini file
If this is checked, an ini file is saved, when an image is taken, same file name, extension "ini" , this file contains the settings and additional information's.