Calculate RA, DEC, Time and Date

Press the "Calculate RA, Time , Date " button on the "Settings Information" form to show this form.
Calculate RA, DEC form time and date or time and date form RA
The RA, DEC of an image can be stored in the file header.
If the telescope is fixed, and the RA, DEC is known for one time, the RA, DEC can be calculated for every time, and will be stored in the file header.
If you are using a telescope, pointing to a fixed position at the sky, or if you are using some known positions and you have set RA, DEC and time and date related to it then you can use this form to calculate the RA, DEC from time and date or time and date form RA, DEC
( fill in RA, DEC and time and date now, the next time and date the telescope points to the RA is calculated)
The time and date must be related to the same time zone, WinScan uses (should be UT)
You can get the RA, Dec form the PC program "Guide" or you can slew Guide to the RA, Dec you filled in or calculated
Set Guide, "Settings, Scope control" to Alt, Az and COM 3(only if you have no COM 3 on the computer)
Set the path to the Guide dir
To get RA,Dec form Guide, select in Guide, "Scope pad, Slew telescope" and in this Form "RA, Dec from Guide "
To slew Guide to the position, the telescope points to in this Form press the "now" button, then the "Calculate RA form Date,Time" button and the "Slew Guide" button,
and in Guide "Scopw pad, Slew Guide"